Member Face/Name Recognition

Member recognition remains one of the key factors in making members comfortable at their clubs, directly tied to all member satisfaction studies.
Train the staff to recognize the member by sight...
when they enter the club...not after they look them up in POS
then it's too late...Plus only a handful of staff use POS
Integrate into your normal Shift Line-Up process
Quiz your staff everyday on who will be coming through your doors...
Repetition works
Perfect for all new hires especially management hires where expectations run higher...
Train the staff to recognize the member by sight...
when they enter the club...not after they look them up in POS
then it's too late...Plus only a handful of staff use POS
Integrate into your normal Shift Line-Up process
Quiz your staff everyday on who will be coming through your doors...
Repetition works
Perfect for all new hires especially management hires where expectations run higher...